Consultation Day
We are holding a Consultation Day on Saturday 22nd March at St. Peters Hall from 10am - 4pm.
Please come along, view the plans, talk to committee members and to a representative from Plunkett UK. We’re interested to hear your thoughts and to hear what products or services you might want the new village shop to incorporate. For example would you like us to stock daily newspapers, magazines, fresh local produce - bread, meat, fruit and vegetables, wine and beer, take-away coffee and tea?
We will also be on hand able to explain the requirements of the CAPCA Grant and the amount of funding that we need to receive from the Community in order to get the project moving and ultimately to open the door on the first day’s trading with a staffed shop, full of stock.
Whilst the shop is expected to have 2 paid members of staff, it will also require the support of a network of volunteers through the week and at weekends. Please come and talk to us if this would be of interest to you.